how it all began

It all started when I was a young girl in a conventional, conservative Pakistani house. I was raised with very high values but with a set of boundaries, and I think that made me a better person. I was always inclined towards cooking as it is in my blood. My beautiful mother, grandmother and paternal aunts are legends in their own right. If I could be half as good as them, then I would consider myself lucky. Back in the 90's (yes I'm that old), there was no exposure to the internet or media, or at least for me. As I mentioned, I was raised in a strict environment. I got married in 2000, and moved to Dubai. I was blessed to find a life partner and family who not only encouraged me to pursue my passion, but also opened my eyes to a world I could not have imagined. Not that I wasn't blessed before, don't get me wrong. My friends and family always provided me the love, courage and support without which I would not be here.

During my self-discovery in this age of digital media, I was able to gain access to inspirations from sources around the world that I incorporated into my own style. Not only that, but I found a platform that enabled me to share my love and passion for cooking. I feel I have evolved from where I began, as is the case with most journeys. With the hard work and dedication that I poured into my zest for cooking, I felt that I had to share my thoughts and enthusiasm  just as my mentors shared their knowledge and wisdom with me.


me now:)

The most common question I’m asked is “How do you stay in shape?” Sometimes I get the “You don’t look like a food blogger/chef!”  Other times it’s just “What’s your secret?”  Well, I can assure you there is no secret, but I do have some tips and tricks for balancing the meals. 

First off, I should start by saying I am not the type of gal who can just eat whatever she wants.  Like everything else in life, this all takes work and moderation.  I always say my diet is 70 percent healthy and 30 percent butter.  I do eat dessert just about every day.  I also eat lots of fruit, veggies  and seafood.  I love food, am very aware of what I eat, and I do not believe in deprivation.  If I want a cupcake, I eat one.  I find if you deprive yourself, you’ll wind up eating three!  I also eat really well, meaning I try to eat fresh. 

I am constantly surrounded by sweets, so as I mentioned I am very aware of what I eat.  Recently, I tested a new cookie recipe, and after a day like that I opted to skip carbs at night. 

My two top tips for balancing are:

  • Never  cook when you’re hungry
  • Always bake  cook in your jeans 

The first one is obvious.  If you’re starving and you start making a batch of cookies , chances are cookie batter will definitely win over will power.  I always have room for some batter, but if I’ve already eaten something, I’ll just have a taste and be satisfied.  You may think the second one is ridiculous, but trust me here.  If you roll out of bed and just start making some cookies in pajama pants, I’m gonna bet a lot of that dough finds its way into your mouth.  A few spoons of cookie dough leads to a few cookies straight out of the oven, you know the ones that don’t look very pretty so you might as well just take care of them  It’s a slippery slope my friends, and we’ve all been there.  A pair of jeans that fits you will automatically make you more aware. 

The second part of this equation is working out . I usually have my days planned; oh yeah,  I’m another level of OCD. Those who know me will vouch for it. And if in my day, I can’t fit a gym run, then I make sure I am more active than my normal routine; not that I need to be as I am also quiet hyper. Or as close friends and family call me: MONICA!! 

My best friend says you’re more like Bree from desperate housewives, which makes me cringe and  delighted at the same time 

The most important thing is to know yourself!  Being fit is not only important to keep me in my jeans, but the mental aspect is what keeps me going . For me, it’s not about a number, but how I feel.  When I have an active lifestyle I feel good, I feel strong, and that makes me a happier person.

I also believe that there is no perfect way for following your dream or passion. What works for me might not work for most. I, for one, am all for being inspired and looking up to mentors, but at the same time, it's imperative to bring your own sensibility. Don't follow the herd mentality  so much that your own voice gets drowned. Having a balance is the key. Those who aren't new to Mischef's journey (yes I just spoke in third person) will know that this progression of making my own website has been a long time coming. It's my firm belief that everything comes at the right time. This is a start of a  new journey for me but I am super excited. This certainly is a baby step process as it's not an easy road, and definitely not my strength, but I walk this path with a lot of helpers and well wishers who always stimulate and inspire me to push my boundaries and reach for the stars. Together, I hope we can grow as individuals and be able to share and support one another to be the best version of ourselves. 

What I wanted to introduce to my page was a lot more thought out and curated content that I, as a mother, would like to cook for my kids and family. At the same time, I challenge myself to become better at the craft, but not constantly being pressured to make something that I KNOW at this time and point is outside my limitations, if that makes any sense. 



I have been blessed with the most wonderful and amazing 3 children! My eldest is a boy, Umer, who will turn 17 this year. Middle one is also a boy, Ibrahim(my super hero), and my youngest is the darling and princess of the house, Ms. Zoya. They are all growing up to be mature and grounded adults. It gives me great pleasure to see them blossom into not only wonderful human beings filled with love and compassion but obedient children. ماشاء الله تبارك الله